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Website Design and Redesign....

Last month I worked on websites for two clients. I was so inspired by some of the newest updates and apps, I decided to, not necessarily redesign, but definitely update our website here at Act Resource Development. I'm more than 80% through and like the redesign so much I've published the new site with a few pages that still need to be populated. The new design is more interactive, has links to resource documents and the content is solid with a little streak of humor.

Before working on a website design or redesign you should think of the audiences that visit your site or you want to visit your site. What will they be looking for? How can you distinguish your organization from others in your service area? If you choose to put links and feeds to your social media - who is going to be responsible for keeping the content fresh. When visitors come to your site in 2016 and see your last Facebook post was in 2013, they may think no one is watching the farm (or feed)!

So many questions, so little time....but putting time in up front to really think about how your website will best serve your organization will pay off tenfold. Here is a free guide published by Hubspot that is spot on when it comes to website depressing. Read it here

plan, implement, flourish!

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